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If you're constantly fatigued- always running to the next thing without feeling rested or truly taking in the moment right in front of you- this message is for you.

So often we spend stretches of our lives absorbed in what we need to do instead of allowing ourselves to be. While this may push us closer to a milestone, it can be detrimental to our true life's purpose of experiencing all the beauty this life that we possibly can- After all, we are human beings, not human doings.

So today, I implore you to take a break- No matter where you currently are & what you currently have going on. Take. A. Break! The world will keep turning and you will still get to where you want to go- plus you'll have the pleasure of enjoying the journey along the way ✨

Before we go any further, let's take a moment to center ourselves & get into the right mindset for today's reading:

Self Check-In

Take a deep breath, relax your shoulders, & focus on the present

  • Check in with your mental space first:

  • How are you feeling? Honestly- don’t judge for the answer. Feel free to ask yourself why. Did something happen, or did you just fall into this emotion?

  • What’s one thing you can do for yourself today that’ll make your day at least 1% better?

  • What’s one thing you’ve been holding on to that you can work to release from your headspace?

  • Now, check in with your physical body:

  • When was the last time you moved? Get up & move, especially if it’s been over an hour

  • How are you feeling on the hunger & thirst front? Let’s all take a big sip of water because, chances are, you aren’t over-hydrated. Also, give yourself permission to get a snack or go eat a meal if you’re feeling hungry with no judgment

Kimberly’s Corner

  • Self-Care Activity of the Week: What this episode is all about- taking a break!

    • Last week, I- along with every teacher- was blessed with Thanksgiving Break. This time forced me to take a much-needed break, which inspired this episode! So often, we forget just how productive a break can be because I'm surely more productive after this break than the fumes I was running on before!

  • Wellness Quote of the Pod: “The part can never be well until the whole is well.” ~Plato

    • Think about it in context of your lifestyle & wellness- Pieces of your life (career, relationship, friends, exercise, etc.) won't be well until you are well at your core. As soon as you find your well, the pieces start to fall into place.

  • Current Jam: “Christmas Lights” by Coldplay

Take a Break- You Deserve It

As humans, we’re meant to rest & recharge because, well, we’re human! However, society & the everyday pressures we receive from the demands of life continuously push us to keep going going going.

Well, today I’m here to remind you to take a break! Breaks are productive as they allow us to reset & recharge all of the parts of ourselves that allow us to be amazing.

To illustrate, I was running on FUMES right before Thanksgiving Break. I was snapping and couldn’t handle the slightest of pressures. I was feeling so incredibly defeated and didn’t see any end in sight to this difficult time, especially at my job.

However, after a week of filling my cup & coming back to myself, these two days of work have been so much lighter. Not because the pressures have lightened (they certainly haven’t 😅), but because I’ve released a lot of the pressure that built up in my system over the time it took to get to Thanksgiving Break.

So, if you’re feeling particularly stressed or burnt out, take a ~true~ break to reset yourself. Take a day off, take a trip, book a self-care day- do what you need to do to feel human again. Because more likely than not, a lot of that pressure is just waiting to be released at a time that you feel safe & rested to let it go.

If you want to hear more ways to take constructive breaks instead of alternating between going going going and mindlessly breaking without truly resting your mind & body, listen to this week's episode by clicking the picture below!

As always- Signing off with Light & Love

~Kimberly ✨

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