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Wellness Weekly- Your Journaling Starter Kit 📔

Have you ever felt stuck in a rut, but have no idea why? Do you usually feel better when you’re experiencing negative emotions after talking it out with someone?

Then let me put you onto something…

📔Journaling 📔

Journaling has revolutionized the connection I have with myself. That’s why it’s so important to incorporate some form of journaling into your routine.

You see, journaling can be whatever you want it to be! You can go diary-style to get your emotions out (like a built-in friend you can always vent to), document your daily highlights, express gratitude, get into the nitty gritty of shadow work… The possibilities are endless!

I started my journaling journey almost by accident! I thought a sweet gift to my high school boyfriend for our first calendar year dating would be a journal filled in with things that happened to either him, me, or us every day.

I won’t lie, I was terrible at keeping up with it. However, being able to look back on those memories even though only a short time had elapsed was priceless.

So, I decided the next calendar year I’d try to keep a journal for myself in the same agenda-style as the previous one. Again, I wasn’t the best at keeping up, but the memories I did put in I’m super grateful I have.

Looking back, I know why I kept failing to incorporate journaling into my routine- I put too much pressure on myself. I wanted to write in a paragraph of absolutely everything that happened that day, even though some of it was boring at the time, and that took time- something I didn’t always have as a busy college student.

Soon after, I found a type of journaling that reignited my love for the craft- gratitude journaling. My mom bought me one for Christmas and that was all she wrote… (pun intended)

Today, I’ve been able to marry the two types of journaling to keep an everyday practice flowing and make time to pick up my journal to check in with myself or work through what I’m going through.

How did I go from spotty, unfulfilling journaling to a daily + as-needed practice? How can you do the same? Here are my tips to get you started:

Find Your Favorites

Not all journaling is created equal. What works for you might not work for me and vice versa.

Therefore, it’s up to you to find your favorites!

Here are a few types of journaling to get you started:

  • Reflective Journaling- Looking back on an experience

    • This is what I did daily my first go at journaling

  • Inner Work Journaling- Digging into your core and asking yourself the tough questions about your life & experiences

    • This one often hurts, but you’re left so much better because of it

  • Gratitude Journaling- Expressing gratitude for anything, big or small

    • Can be quick & simple- a great start for beginners

  • Visual Journaling- Using pictures/drawings to express your thoughts

    • Great for my artistic folks!

  • Brain Dump Journaling- Letting everything pour out of your mind and onto the page

    • A great tool to use when your mind feels cluttered

If you’re completely new to journaling, I’d recommend testing out a few that call to you and seeing how you can incorporate the ones you love into your routine.

Also, don’t be afraid to tweak as you go!

In the beginning, I was only reflective journaling, which didn’t leave me fulfilled. Now, I’ve simplified my reflection by noting the most significant events from the day at night, and expanded to include a daily gratitude practice in the morning & a reflective/inner work practice at the end of every month.

It may be more, but you’ll find when you’re doing the right type of journaling, you won’t mind the time commitment 😉

Keep it Simple

Simplicity, especially when you’re just starting, gives you the best shot at success!

You don’t have to be completing 5 different types of journaling daily to see success in journaling. It’s not sustainable for most and has the potential to leave you overwhelmed instead of helping ease some of the negative emotions you’re experiencing.

My daily journaling routine consists of writing 5 things I’m grateful for in the morning and recapping my day at night. This practice takes me ~10 minutes to complete, gets my mindset ready to start my day with positivity, and helps me record the memories I’ll want to look back on for years to come. ✨

Be Brutally Honest

In order for journaling to have the most impact, you’ve got to be honest!

You’re the only one who will read your writing (unless you choose to share of course). So do yourself a favor and let it all out- the good, the bad, and the ugly.

If you truly hate what you’ve written or are worried about others seeing what you’ve written, get rid of it! Just because it’s in your journal doesn’t mean it needs to stay there.

To illustrate, you could complete a “let go” practice. In this practice, you’ll write down all the negativity you’re feeling towards something (ex. All the negative thoughts you have about yourself). Then, you’ll destroy the list with your preferred method (release it to the ocean/water, burn it, rip it up, etc.).

Stay Consistent

Consistency is key in just about everything, and journaling is no exception!

As mentioned above, you don’t have to have an extensive daily journaling practice- I actually encourage you not to.

However, you’ll have such a stronger bond with yourself when you’re connecting on a daily/weekly/monthly basis.

So, to all my journalers out there:

If you’re ready to jump into a journaling practice, I’ve got something for you…

I’m SO excited to announce…

Drumroll please 🥁🥁🥁

In this 30 day journey, I guide you through 30 days of prompts to reconnect with yourself one page at a time.

If you’re new to journaling or haven’t journaled in a long time- no worries! We’ll start out with light & quick prompts to get you in your groove.

Then, we’re digging deep. We’re making space to plant the seed that leads to beautiful growth in you.

I can’t even put into words how excited I am to share this journey with you!! I’ve created this program with extreme care- curating a flow that will allow you to not only keep journaling beyond this practice, but will help you reconnect with yourself in a way that will leave you more fulfilled in your daily life.

I can’t wait to take this journey with you! Click here to get signed up 💛

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